The Enterprise Learning and Development (ELD) Department was established to design, develop, and implement quality training for DOE Federal and contractor employees across a number of general, broad-based topical areas.

The curriculum managed by ELD is expanding and currently includes the following areas: Management and Instructional Training (MIT); Technical Leadership Program (TLP), which is commonly referred to as Safety Culture and includes the Employee Concerns Program (ECP); Environment, Safety, and Health (ESH); and Vet Success (VET).

We offer eLearning, virtual, and in-person training classes to accommodate the needs of DOE Federal and contractor employees across the complex. ​

ELD Contacts

Course Catalog - Enterprise Learning and Development

Delivery Method(s):  
ESH-333DE, DOE Laser Worker Training
ESH-402DE, General Employee Radiological Training (GERT)
MIT-103DE, Introduction to the Instructional Design Process
MIT-111, Basic Instructor Training
MIT-112, Basic Distance Learning Instructor Training
MIT-115DE, Student Testing
MIT-116, Virtual Producer Training
MIT-120, Job Analysis
MIT-121DE, EMETL Overview
MIT-210, Curriculum Development Training
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Course Schedule - Enterprise Learning and Development

Start DateEnd DateCourse NameCourse #Additional InfoLocationMaxMinWLConf
05-30-202405-30-202405-30-202405-30-2024Safety Culture Leadership FundamentalsTLP-100SP-Restricted to SiteHanford Site/WRPS411501
06-03-202406-03-202406-07-202406-07-2024Basic Instructor TrainingMIT-111SP-Restricted to SiteLANL Room 03-0261-A107136010
06-03-202406-03-202406-07-202406-07-2024Basic Instructor TrainingMIT-111SP-Restricted to SitePantex13609
06-04-202406-04-202406-04-202406-04-2024Safety Culture Leadership FundamentalsTLP-100SP-Restricted to SiteHanford Site/WRPS411501
06-10-202406-10-202406-13-202406-13-2024Basic Instructor TrainingMIT-111SP-Restricted to SiteINL13801
06-10-202406-10-202406-13-202406-13-2024Basic Instructor TrainingMIT-111SP-Restricted to SiteY-12 CTF13604
06-11-202406-11-202406-11-202406-11-2024Safety Culture Training for Front Line LeadersTLP-150SP-Restricted to site.UCOR/701 Scarboro Road, Oak Ridge, TN 37830331601
06-17-202406-17-202406-21-202406-21-2024Basic Instructor TrainingMIT-111SP-Restricted to SiteOST, Ft. Chaffee AR13600
06-17-202406-17-202406-21-202406-21-2024Basic Instructor TrainingMIT-111SP-Restricted to SitePNNL11601
06-26-202406-26-202406-26-202406-26-2024Safety Culture Training for Front Line LeadersTLP-150SP-Restricted to site.Hanford Site/WRPS25501
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